□ Purpose: Activate international exchange based on Korean language education
□ Duration: January 21st - January 22nd
□ Exchange activities: Sharing diverse cultural lessons such as traditional Korean games, the 12 zodiac animals, Korean tea, and snacks
□ Participating schools/individuals from Gyeongbuk: 6 elementary and middle schools, 61 students and teachers
□ Visiting schools from LAUSD: 7 schools
Schools participating in the cultural exchange lessons between the LA Unified School District and the Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education |
Elementary School |
1 |
Charles H. Kim Elementary School |
2 |
Hobart Blvd. Elementary School |
3 |
Dr. Sammy Lee Elementary School |
4 |
Third Street Elementary School |
High School |
5 |
Edward R. Roybal Learning Center |
6 |
Fairfax High School |
7 |
Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies |