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2022 Korean Class & Korean American Culture and Society Class Scholarship Awardees
  • Announcement
  • Monday, April 18, 2022
2022 Korean Class & Korean American Culture and Society Class Scholarship Awardees

2022 Korean Class & Korean American Culture and Society Class Scholarship Awardees

Korean Education Center in Los Angeles (KECLA) would like to thank you for participating in the 2022 Essay Contest.

Please refer to the following for the result. 

  Hangul Grand Award - 한글대상  

1 Seungju Lee La Mirada High School 9th 한글대상
2 Cristina Ruby Lee Fairfax High School 12th 한글대상
3 Song Yi Baik Fairfax High School 12th 한글대상

   King Sejong Award - 세종대왕상    

1 Irene Chu Glen A. Wilson High School 10th 세종대왕상
2 JaeJun Lee North High School 11th 세종대왕상
3 Jessie Jisun Kim Torrance High School 11th 세종대왕상
4 Tiffany Lee Fairfax High School 11th 세종대왕상
5 Youna Kim South High school 11th 세종대왕상


 Hunminjungeum Award - 훈민정음상   

1 Ava Cheryn Lee Rosemont Middle School 8th 훈민정음
2 Lilly Vera Mueck Richardson Middle School 8th 훈민정음
3 Melody Han Toll Middle School 8th 훈민정음
4 Hannah Sungin Kang West High School 9th 훈민정음
5 Euan Joon Chun Oxford Academy 10th 훈민정음
6 Jiyeon Song Torrance High School 10th 훈민정음
7 Sara Sol Kim Northwood High School 10th 훈민정음
8 Chaewon Sung South High School 11th 훈민정음
9 Elise Jooha Kim South High School 11th 훈민정음
10 Jennifer Yixuan Wang West High School 11th 훈민정음
11 Lauren Bethany Gill North High School 11th 훈민정음
12 Lena Hong John A. Rowland High School 11th 훈민정음
13 Mikaila Joy Yim Irvine High School 11th 훈민정음
14 Amy Cui Woodbridge High School 12th 훈민정음
15 Caleb Kim Brea Olinda High School 12th 훈민정음
16 Cara Eisul Kim Richard Gahr High School 12th 훈민정음
17 Curtis Kihyun Ahn Brea Olinda High School     12th 훈민정음
18 Enoch Yihak Kim John F. Kennedy High School 12th 훈민정음
19 Hana Pak Fairfax High School 12th 훈민정음
20 Melissa Retana Oxford Academy 12th 훈민정음
21 Yewon Lim Torrance High School 12th 훈민정음



[1st Place] Hangul Grand Award - $300 scholarship
[2nd Place] King Sejong Award - $200 scholarship
[3rd Place] Hunminjungeum Award - $100 scholarship 

All awardees will receive a notification through their email. 
Please confirm your information and RSVP to the in-person award ceremony by replying to the email by 4/21 (Thu). 

 Award Ceremony - 시상식 

4/29/2022 (Fri) 
at Korean Education Center in Los Angeles 
680 Wilshire Pl. Los Angeles, CA 90005 (1st Floor Auditorium) 
4:10 pm check-in. 
The ceremony will start promptly at 4:30 pm. 

*Semi-formal attire. 

If you cannot attend the award ceremony, 
we strongly recommend you PICK UP your award within two weeks after the ceremony. 
5/2 – 5/13, 9 am – 12 pm & 1 pm -5 pm


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