2022 한국어반 & 한국문화반 장학생 선발 대회 결과 발표
2022년 한국어반 & 한국문화반 장학생 선발 대회에 참가해 주신 모든 분들께 감사드리며 다음과 같이 결과를 발표합니다.
Hangul Grand Award - 한글대상
1 | Seungju Lee | La Mirada High School | 9th | 한글대상 |
2 | Cristina Ruby Lee | Fairfax High School | 12th | 한글대상 |
3 | Song Yi Baik | Fairfax High School | 12th | 한글대상 |
King Sejong Award - 세종대왕상
1 | Irene Chu | Glen A. Wilson High School | 10th | 세종대왕상 |
2 | JaeJun Lee | North High School | 11th | 세종대왕상 |
3 | Jessie Jisun Kim | Torrance High School | 11th | 세종대왕상 |
4 | Tiffany Lee | Fairfax High School | 11th | 세종대왕상 |
5 | Youna Kim | South High school | 11th | 세종대왕상 |
Hunminjungeum Award - 훈민정음상
1 | Ava Cheryn Lee | Rosemont Middle School | 8th | 훈민정음 |
2 | Lilly Vera Mueck | Richardson Middle School | 8th | 훈민정음 |
3 | Melody Han | Toll Middle School | 8th | 훈민정음 |
4 | Hannah Sungin Kang | West High School | 9th | 훈민정음 |
5 | Euan Joon Chun | Oxford Academy | 10th | 훈민정음 |
6 | Jiyeon Song | Torrance High School | 10th | 훈민정음 |
7 | Sara Sol Kim | Northwood High School | 10th | 훈민정음 |
8 | Chaewon Sung | South High School | 11th | 훈민정음 |
9 | Elise Jooha Kim | South High School | 11th | 훈민정음 |
10 | Jennifer Yixuan Wang | West High School | 11th | 훈민정음 |
11 | Lauren Bethany Gill | North High School | 11th | 훈민정음 |
12 | Lena Hong | John A. Rowland High School | 11th | 훈민정음 |
13 | Mikaila Joy Yim | Irvine High School | 11th | 훈민정음 |
14 | Amy Cui | Woodbridge High School | 12th | 훈민정음 |
15 | Caleb Kim | Brea Olinda High School | 12th | 훈민정음 |
16 | Cara Eisul Kim | Richard Gahr High School | 12th | 훈민정음 |
17 | Curtis Kihyun Ahn | Brea Olinda High School | 12th | 훈민정음 |
18 | Enoch Yihak Kim | John F. Kennedy High School | 12th | 훈민정음 |
19 | Hana Pak | Fairfax High School | 12th | 훈민정음 |
20 | Melissa Retana | Oxford Academy | 12th | 훈민정음 |
21 | Yewon Lim | Torrance High School | 12th | 훈민정음 |
[1st Place] Hangul Grand Award - $300 scholarship
[2nd Place] King Sejong Award - $200 scholarship
[3rd Place] Hunminjungeum Award - $100 scholarship
All awardees will receive a notification through their email.
Please confirm your information and RSVP to the in-person award ceremony by replying to the email by 4/21 (Thu).
Award Ceremony - 시상식
4/29/2022 (Fri)
at Korean Education Center in Los Angeles
680 Wilshire Pl. Los Angeles, CA 90005 (1st Floor Auditorium)
4:10 pm check-in.
The ceremony will start promptly at 4:30 pm.
*Semi-formal attire.
If you cannot attend the award ceremony,
we strongly recommend you PICK UP your award within two weeks after the ceremony.
5/2 – 5/13, 9 am – 12 pm & 1 pm -5 pm
Questions: haemin.kecla@gmail.com