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2023 Public School Korean Class & Korean American Culture and Society Class Scholarship Essay Contest
  • Announcement
  • Friday, February 17, 2023

2023 Public School Korean Class & Korean American Culture and Society Class Scholarship Essay Contest

Korean Education Center in Los Angeles (KECLA) is holding an essay contest to encourage and grant scholarships for outstanding students in Korean classes, Korean American Culture & Society classes, and after-school Korean classes. 
Please refer below for the criteria and details. 

1. Purpose 
   To encourage and award outstanding students in Korean class, Korean American Culture & Society class, and after-school Korean class.

2. Eligibility 
Middle school and high school students who attended school in the United States for at least four years and enrolled in Korean classes/ Korean American Culture & Society classes/ after-school Korean classes. The teacher must submit a recommendation form for the student through a google form. 

* * A student who has previously received an award is only eligible for a higher one.
-    Hunminjungeum Awardees from previous years are eligible for the 2023 King Sejong Award or Hangul Grand Award. 
-    King Sejong Awardees from previous years are eligible for the 2023 Hangul Grand Award. 
-    2020 Trip to Korea Awardees are eligible for the 2023 Hangul Grand Award. 
-    Hangul Grand Awardees from previous years are not eligible to apply. 

** If any faulty recommendation/application is discovered, the school will lose the privilege to participate and be excluded from this program for three years.

3. Scholarship Category: 
-    Hangul Grand Scholarship (1st Place): Award Certificate + $300 Scholarship
-    King Sejong Scholarship (2nd Place): Award Certificate + $200 Scholarship
-    Hunminjungeum Scholarship (3rd Place): Award Certificate + $100 Scholarship

4. Review Criteria: 
-    Class grade (based on Fall 2022 and Spring 2023) 
-    Essay (Korean or English) 
     Korean class and after-school Korean class students must write at least one paragraph in Korean. 
-    Korean class teacher's recommendation form 
-    Number of years taken the class. 

5. Required Documents:
-   Student Application form: 
    Fill out your information and upload your essay on the student google form: 

-   Student Essay: 
    Double-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12, two pages max.
    Name your file as: First Name_Last Name_School Name
    Korean class and after-school Korean class students must write at least 1 paragraph in Korean. 
    Korean paragraphs can be handwritten. If you handwrite your essay, scan it and upload it as a PDF file. 

-    Teacher's recommendation form: 
     Teachers must fill out their recommendation form through the teacher's google form: 
     Each school is allowed to recommend up to ten students. 
     This form can only be filed by the Korean class/ Korean American Culture & Society class/ or after-school Korean class teacher.
     If any faulty recommendation is found, the school and district will be notified.
     KECLA will verify all teachers' information.

** Incomplete applications will be excluded from the review. 

6. Deadlines and Submissions 

-    Due Date: 05/07/2023 (11:59 PM)
-    Submit by google form: 
        Student application form and essay: 
        Teacher's recommendation form: 
          This form can only be filed by Korean class/ Korean American Culture & Society class/ or after-school Korean class teacher.
          If any faulty recommendation is found, the school and district will be notified.
          KECLA will verify all teachers' information.

7. Awardees Announcement:
   The result will be announced on 05/26/2023 on, and each awardee and the teacher will be notified by email individually. 

8. Award Ceremony: 
   6/16/2023 Friday (4:00 PM Check-in) at KECLA 1st floor auditorium.

9. Questions: 
   TEL: (213) 386-3112  Email:   Website:        


Guidelines for the Essay
-    Double-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12, two pages max.
-    Korean class and after-school Korean class students must write at least one paragraph in Korean. 
-    Korean paragraphs can be handwritten. If you handwrite your essay, scan your essay and upload your essay as a PDF file. 
-    Name your file as: First Name_Last Name_School Name
-    Upload your essay at:  
-    Your Korean class/ Korean American Culture & Society class/ or after-school Korean class teacher must fill out their recommendation form at:  
-    The essay must be written by the applicant. If it is found that the applicant is not the original writer of the essay, the essay will be ruled out from the review and award. 

Choose One Topic:

Topic 1)    
올해는 한국인 이민자들이 미국으로 이민온 지 120주년이 되는 해입니다. 미국은 한인이민자들을 포함하여 전세계의 여러 곳으로부터 이주해 온 이민자들에 의해 발전해왔고, 이민자들은 지금도 미국의 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 등 다양한 분야에서 활약하고 있으며, 미국의 번영에 기여하고 있습니다.
이민자들이 미국사회에 기여한 것들에 대해 생각해 보고, 구체적인 사례를 포함하여 설명해 봅시다.

This year marks the 120th anniversary of the official arrival of Korean immigrants to the United States. Immigrants from various countries around the world, including Korea, made many contributions to the prosperity and development of The United States and are still active in various fields such as politics, economy, society, and culture. Think about the contributions made by immigrants to American society, and describe them with examples.

Topic 2)    
K-Pop, K-drama, K-food 등 한국의 문화는 세계로 뻗어나가고 있습니다. 내가 좋아하는 한국 문화를 소개해 봅시다. 그 문화를 어떻게 접하게 되었으며 좋아하는 이유를 설명해 봅시다. 

Korean cultures, such as K-Pop, K-drama, and K-food, are expanding worldwide. Introduce your favorite Korean culture. Describe how you came to learn about the culture and why you fell in love with it.

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