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2022 Spring Korean Heritage Education Program
  • Announcement
  • Wednesday, December 29, 2021
2022 Spring Korean Heritage Education Program

<2022 Spring Korean Heritage Education Program>
In the spring semester of 2022, there will be 19 online classes and 7 in-person classes, a total of 26 programs. Online or in-person classes are indicated in the program title, so please check before registering.
If registering for an in-person class, please submit a copy of the vaccination card to with the course name and the student’s name by the day before class. 
If the student has not been vaccinated, please submit a weekly Covid test result on the day of the class. If the student does not submit the Covid test result, the student cannot attend the class.

1.   Online registration( only. We no longer accept in-person registration.
2.   Must sign-up for the membership of the KECLA website to register. One ID is required per student. If you have two children, you must register each one separately and create two IDs.
       We recommend that you complete the membership sign-up in advance for the smooth registration on 01.11 (Tue).
      ★ The students must be at least five years old. If the student is found to be under 5, the registration will be canceled automatically.
3. Please see the textbooks for the Korean Classes before choosing the level.
4. Program registration: 1.11. (Tue) 10:00 am ~ until the first day of the class
     ※ registration will be closed for the classes that reach the maximum student number (18 students).
     ※ Classes may be canceled if fewer than ten students register per class, or in-person classes may be switched to online classes.
5. Material Pick-up and Mail out dates: 1.25 (Tue) ~ 2.1 (Tue)
You can either pick up the material from our office or receive it by delivery. If you choose to receive the material by mail, a $10 delivery fee will be charged per class.
6. Refundable until 2. 4. 2022 (Fri).  
7. Class starting date: Please refer to the table above.

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