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고등학교 및 대학교 한국유학 클럽 지원
  • 공지사항
  • 2024년7월22일 월요일
고등학교 및 대학교 한국유학 클럽 지원

2024-2025 Korean Language and Cultural Club Grant.

Greetings from Korean Education Center in Los Angeles (KECLA)

KECLA is accepting grant applications for Korean Language and Culture Clubs in high schools and colleges for 2024-2025. Please submit the application form with an official grant request letter signed by the advisory teacher (HS) or club leader (college) Deadline is Extended to 9.30.2024. After careful review, we will select clubs to receive up to a $1,000 grant. The club must have at least five members, including the advisory teacher or leaders, to apply for this grant.

The check will be issued to the advisory teacher or club account. If you want the check issued to the school name or PTA, please specify the name on the school information form. Please be advised that the checks cannot be issued to students who are in high school and/or below the age of 18 years old.

Please be advised that this grant requires receipt submission for the expenses. By applying for this grant, you agree to submit the Receipt Submission Form and a copy of receipts by 06/30/25. If the club fails to submit the receipts, it will be eliminated from any KECLA grant opportunities in the future.


  • TOPIK Prep Club
  • K-POP Club
  • Korean Language Study Group
  • K-Drama Club
  • Study In Korea Club

< Guidelines>

1) Application Forms Deadline Extended to 9.30.2024: 

※For the application forms please contact:

  1. Official grant request letter with advising teacher’s signature.
  2. School Information Form
  3. Korean Club Activity Plan Form
  4. Grant Plan Form
  5. Club Activity Photo with Members

2) A formal letter of request must:

  • Be signed by the advisory teacher.
  • Include two things: (1) An assurance that the grant will only be used to enrich the Korean club; (2) An indication that the Korean Club will continue to maintain for Fall 2024 - Spring 2025.

4) For the School Information Form, please fill out every box.

5) For the receipt submission paperwork due on 06/30/2025, please keep in mind the following:

  • The fund should be used only for things related to the Korean club.
  • Receipts must be attached in the order listed on the receipt summary form provided.
  • All receipts must include vendor information (vendor name, address, and phone number), item information (name, quantity, and price), and the total amount paid. It should not be overlapped with other receipts.
  • If there is a returned item, please attach a return receipt and the original receipt.
  • Please keep copies of receipts for your records. Incomplete receipt submissions, such as missing or partially appearing receipts, will require resubmission.
  • Receipts related to Field Trip must attach the proper invoice and lesson information.

6) The Korean Language and Culture Club Report Form needs to be submitted along with the receipt submission paper. Please keep in mind the following:

  • Thoroughly and timely manner submitted Korean Language and Culture Club Report Forms, will be eligible for an additional grant at the end of the semester.


For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sarah Chung at 213-386-3112 or by email: at


LA한국교육원, 한인 입양인 협회 회원 대상 뿌리교육 특강 실시


LA한국교육원, 샌디에고에서 찾아가는 뿌리교육 한다


2025 미주한인의 날 기념 쇼츠 공모전 개최
